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Jackson/Alexa Fluor® 488 ChromPure Sheep IgG, whole molecule/1.0 mg/013-540-003

Storage and Rehydration: Store freeze-dried solid at 2-8°C. Rehydrate with the indicated volume of dH2O (see product specification sheet) and centrifuge if not clear. Prepare working dilution on day of use. Product is stable for about 6 weeks at 2-8°C as an undiluted liquid.Extended Storage after Rehydration: Aliquot and freeze at -70°C or below. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Alternatively, add an equal volume of glycerol (ACS grade or better) for a final concentration of 50%, and store at -20°C as a liquid. Expiration date: one year from date of rehydration. The expiration date may be extended if test results are acceptable for the intended use.
Purity:Based on immunoelectrophoresis at an antigen concentration of 20 mg/ml, the pattern of precipitation against rabbit anti-sheep whole serum is the same as that against rabbit anti-sheep IgG, Fc fragment specific. Buffer: 0.01M Sodium Phosphate, 0.25M NaCl, pH 7.6 Stabilizer:15 mg/ml Bovine Serum Albumin (IgG-Free, Protease-Free) Preservative:0.05% Sodium Azide ConjugateAlexa Fluor® 488
Amax: 493Emax: 519nmAlexa Fluor® 488-conjugated antibodies absorb light maximally at 493 nm and fluoresce with a peak around 519 nm. In aqueous mounting media they are brighter than FITC, Cy2, and DyLight 488. Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugates are recommended for maximum sensitivity for all immunofluorescence procedures requiring a green-fluorescing dye, except for protocols that include mounting in plastic mounting media.
Images & ReferencesThis product is for in vitro research use only. It is not a medical device and it is not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
This product is provided under an agreement between Life Technologies Corporation and Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc, and the manufacture, use, sale or import of this product is sold pursuant to a license from Life Technologies Corporation for use of its fluorescent dye technology. The sale of this product is expressly conditioned on the buyer not using the product or its components (1) in manufacturing; (2) to provide a service, information, or data to an unaffiliated third party for payment; (3) for therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylactic purposes; (4) to resell, sell or otherwise transfer this product or its components to any third party, or for any other commercial purposes. For information on purchasing a license to this product for purposes other than research, contact Life Technologies Corporation, 5791 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008 or outlicensing@lifetech.com.